Patient Guide

How to prepare for test

There are certain strict conditions for each group of tests you need to comply with prior to the lab tests, as to taking food, liquids, medications and specifications of lifestyle. You can find more information about the preparation for each type of test in the Price list section by clicking the MORE  button next to the test name.


The influence of preanalytic factors on the result

Each type of analysis has its own preparation conditions which you can find in the Price list section by clicking the MORE button next to each type. In general, though, there are some common conditions you need to meet.

Food intake

Eating before the lab test has a big influence on the results and in some cases makes it even impossible to perform the test.

After the absorption of nutrients by the body, the consistency of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and other compounds increases in the blood, the enzyme systems are activated, levels of some hormones temporarily increase, etc. All of these factors have a direct influence on the consistency ratio of the sample being analyzed, thus the test can fail to show accurate results.

  • Avoid fatty food for up to 4 hours before the test – the high consistency of fats in the blood can affect any type of test results.
  • It is advisable to take non-carbonated water before the test, as it reduces the blood viscosity, lowers the possibility of blood clots and allows drawing enough amount of blood necessary for the test.

Medication intake

Taking any kind of medication or supplements has influence on the body in one way or another. Their influence on the lab test results is mainly obvious, but it is impossible to predict the level of their influence for every individual, since it depends on the physiological conditions, on the type of disease(s) the individual already has.

 Given all of this, it is advised to

  • Avoid taking medications for 12-24 hours before the test upon early agreement with the doctor.
  • If the individual has taken medication before the test, the lab specialist should be informed about it.

Time of day

Depending on the time of day many substances’ consistencies in the human body are subject to alteration. It refers to the hormones, as well as to the biochemical indicators and specific markers. Given the abovementioned, in case of taking tests it is necessary to maintain precise schedule. In case of dynamic supervision, it is also very important to get the tests done at the same hour as for the first time.

Emotional situation and physical activity

Physical activity boosts the function of a few hormonal and enzyme systems, as well as of internal organs. It increases the level of biologically active compounds in the blood, boosts the metabolism. In case of highly emotional situations and stress, the function of sympathoadrenal system is activated, which in turn alters the mechanisms of internal organs’ functions, causes hormonal and enzyme system activation.

 The above-mentioned factors have their influence on the test results and to exclude those, on the day of the test it is advised to

  • Avoid exercise or any other physical activity
  • Exclude highly emotional situation
  • Pose comfortably, rest and relax muscles right before the test.

Alcohol and smoking

Alcohol affects your body in many ways. It affects the function of nervous system, metabolism, hormonal and enzyme systems. Besides, a lot of biochemical characteristics in the blood can alter. Cigarettes, in their turn, affect the vascular tone, activate nervous system and can alter the characteristics of some hormones.

To exclude the effects of alcohol and smoking on the test results, you need to

  • Avoid alcohol 72 hours before the test
  • Avoid smoking 30 minutes beforehand.

Female Physiological condition

The amount of sex hormones and their metabolites in female body tends to change essentially during the month. Therefore, it is suggested that a lot of hormone tests be done on certain days of menstrual cycle. The day of the test is chosen based on the hormonal part that needs to be examined.

During the pregnancy female body undergoes essential physiological changes, too. Depending on the week of pregnancy the concentrations of hormones, some specific proteins and the activation of enzyme system alter.

Thus, before having your hormones and specific markers tested, it is required to

  • consult the doctor,
  • check the term of pregnancy or the days of menstrual cycle
  • mention those in the labs to get the results with respective values


Preparation for urine tests

For the urinalysis done for once the best time to collect the sample is in the morning. Depending on the type of the test, the amount of either initial urine stream, or midstream or the last part may be collected. In case of 24-hour urine testing all of your urine during the day is collected. Irrespective of the type of testing, you will need sterile urine sample containers for urine sample collection. For accurate results you need to meet a few conditions:

  • Avoid using alcohol, salty, spicy, sour foods for up to 10-12 hours before the test. Avoid foods that can change the urine color (carrot, beetroot, etc.)
  • Women are advised to get the test done not on the days of menstrual cycle.
  • Avoid taking foods or medications that have diuretic effect.
  • Clean the external genital organs before the test.


How to prepare for stool test

Before submitting a stool sample for testing the patients are given special sterile containers. Depending on the type of the test the containers can contain different environments. To ensure the accuracy of results, one needs to comply with some conditions.

In case of stool general, antigen, microbiological or PCR tests

  • It is not advisable to take tests while getting antibiotic therapy or chemotherapy. If it is impossible at least 12 hours after getting the last pill.
  • Exclude taking laxatives, suppositories, or drugs that can change the stool color.
  • The sample submitted after having taken radiocontrast agents is not useful for testing.
  • The collected sample using enema is not useful, either.
  • Avoid meat, fish, green vegetables and tomatoes 72 hours before the fecal occult blood test.


How to prepare for the analysis of urogenital smears

In case of men Urine sample is necessary.

  • Not to urinate for 3 hours before the test
  • Wash the foreskin before submitting the sample
  • It is advised get the test done two weeks after using antibiotics or upon the doctor’s prescription.

Glans penis or foreskin sample 

  • It is not allowed to use topical antibiotic and antifungal creams one week before the test
  • Avoid washing glans penis and foreskin for 24-48 hours before the test.In case of women it is necessary
  • Test should be done before the menstrual cycle or two days after the cycle
  • Avoid douching or washing genital organs with feminine hygiene products.
  • One week before the test it is not allowed to use topical antibiotic and antifungal creams.
  • Refrain from urinating for at least 3 hours before the test.
  • It is advised to get the test done two weeks after using antibiotics or upon the doctor’s prescription.

How to prepare for semen analysis

The patient collects the sample by masturbation

In case of detecting bad indicators of semen’s reproductive traits, it is required to take the test for the second time after 7 days, but not later than 20 days.

  • For tests using microbiological or PCR methods, it is required to get the test done before getting antibiotics or chemotherapy, if it is impossible at least 12 hours after taking the medication.
  • Avoid taking medications for 7 days before the spermogram test (having informed health care provider in advance) except for vital medicines, about which the health care provider should be informed.
  • Abstain sex for 72 hours before the semen analysis, but not more than 7 days.
  • Avoid alcohol, thermal procedures (hot baths, sauna, etc.) and physiotherapies for 72 hours before semen analysis.
  • Avoid having X-ray examination 72 hours before the semen analysis.
  • If during the past month the patient has had fever or other infection diseases, or has taken antibiotics, then he/she needs to inform the healthcare provider and fill it in the lab questionnaire.
  • It is advisable to submit the test in the laboratory to avoid thermal stress. In case of collecting the test out of the lab, it is required to collect the sample in a sterile container, take it to the lab during one hour keeping it at room temperature.
  • It is necessary to wash your hands and penis with soap before taking the sample.


How to prepare for sputum analysis

The patient takes the sputum sample by coughing deeply into the sterile container.

  • The best time to take the sample is in the morning
  • It is important to brush teeth, rinse and spit with boiled lukewarm water.


How to prepare for the analysis for enterobiosis

For the test an adhesive tape is required that is pressed to the skin around the anus. The sample is taken by the nurse.

  • The test should be done without having washed the anus for 24 hours.

